
Connect offers freedom, flexibility and cost efficiency.

Connect hosted voice solution provides everything you need to begin your cloud telephony journey. From a SIP solution, allowing users to keep their existing PBX while utilising hosted voice, to a fully cloud-based telephony solution with enterprise-grade functionality. Connect is a feature-rich, future-proof, fully cloud-based solution that provides so much more than a traditional telephone system.

The Benefits

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No upfront costs

Simple cost effective monthly pricing.

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Free UK calls

Unlimited free outbound calls to 01, 02, 03, 04 & 07 numbers.

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99.9% uptime guaranteed.

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99.9% uptime guaranteed.

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Smart Phone App

Receive and make landline calls from any smart device.

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Built-in business continuity and disaster recovery with call re-routing.

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Seamless caller experience

Improve engagement and satisfaction.

Transform your business

Connect allows you to increase caller satisfaction with a seamless experience and reduce missed calls and lost revenue. The wins don’t stop there, it has more features than we can fit in to this space, so call our team to find out more.

We put our clients at the centre of what we do

Interested in becoming a client or finding out more?

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